Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wowzer Wednesday - When Injury Strikes... (And the winner)

I seriously think I shouted WOWZER...or some other choice term, when I started the second 200m sprint of my crossfit workout yesterday. But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Stroller Warriors gathered at a local community center for our Pre-Thanksgiving Day workout. We ran for 50 minutes (out-and-back). I ran with a few friends and we made it 5.75 miles. I felt a little tight during the run and told myself, "You better stretch when we finish." HAHA! Try telling that to my 1-year old who wanted to cruise the playground. So stretching took a backseat to playtime and we hit the jungle gym and swings for about 30 minutes. Then we drove home and I transferred my sleeping girl to her crib for the rest of her nap time. I decided that it would be good to go ahead and knock out my crossfit workout for the day. (My husband is coming home in just over a month after being gone since May 12th and I'm trying to look HOT!)

The workout should have been quite simple: 50-40-30-20-10 box jumps and sit ups with a 200m run starting each round. During the first run, I felt a small twinge in my left lower calf. I kept running and then continued to the box to complete 50 jumps without a break. I moved to the blanket on my garage floor and knocked out 50 sit ups. Then I started the second 200m run. I didn't even make it out of the driveway. My calf seized up and I could hardly stand, let alone walk.

That was around 12:30 and it's currently 9:25 and I still wince when walking and cry a little when I have to navigate the stairs. As soon as it happened, I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer...

I think this would have been more help if I had opened it up and drowned my sorrows.  Then I tried stretching and self-massage while Reagan finished her nap. Once she was up, it was increasingly more painful as I added 25 pounds to my load. We headed out to Walmart later in the afternoon where I picked up these items:

Great piece of gear! Not only did it help my calf, I got a back rub too!

Seriously, is there a runner out there that doesn't have a tube of this magic cream in their arsenal?

Overall, I think it's just a serious cramp or small strain and it's going to take a rest day or two to fully recover. And, as illustrated by my very artistic note on my Buddha board, with time, it will fade away and become just something that once was...

And finally, the reason you're all even checking this post, the winner of our nunn giveaway is SeRunIty!!  Congratulations!  Please email Jessica at to coordinate details for shipping your prize! Thanks everyone for participating. 


Anonymous said...

I have to go back and read about your injury.. I forget now. I want to say what ever it is.. I really hope the rest helps! Happy Thanksgiving!!

SeRUNity NOW said...

Hooray for me! I am so excited for my nuun! Thank you so much.

And boo for you. Injury does suck. I am just barely getting over a sprained ankle. It sucks, but I have gotten to the point with injury that I just take it in stride.

Just take care of yourself and you will be back on your feet in no time.

BTW, I strained my calf muscle really badly last year and it took a lot of ice, heat, massage, foam rolling, and some PT exercises to get back on track.

Here's to a speedy recovery!

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Love the feedback and the motivation. Thanks!