Friday, October 21, 2011

Running Idols

Although, technically the dictionary defines idol as an image or other material object representing a diety to which religious worship is addressed, I think it is a fitting word in this manner.  The below runners are people who inspire greatness in others through their actions and words.  

Scott Jurek: More than just a champion, Scott is a true student and ambassador of the sport, known to stay at finish lines cheering until the last runner crosses.  A passionate advocate for vegetarianism, he follows a 100% plant-based diet, which he credits for his superior endurance, recovery and overall health.  He believes that everyone can run an ultra and everyone can access their body’s innate capacity to heal.  Through writing, public speaking, and consulting, Scott takes joy in encouraging people of all fitness levels to take the next step toward vibrant health. (from

Pam Reed: Two time winner of the Badwater Ultra Marathon, set an American record in the 24-hour track run, and named “Runner of the Year” by Competitor Magazine.  Mother to three boys and a dog, author of the book The Extra Mile, and an all-around amazing woman – her personal goal is to motivate people of all speeds and ages to do something for themselves and set a fitness goal that will encourage a healthier lifestyle.   (from

Beth Risdon: Popular author of Shut Up and Run, this woman is amazing.  44-years old, Beth discovered running late in life and went from zero to 26.2 miles!!!  She’s overcome injuries along the way, and always has hilarious stories for her blog followers.  She loves to write, believes in holding nothing back and telling the truth.  She believes in being real.  Her philosophy on living is, “Don’t let fear hold you down.  That’s a big time waster.  Actually, it’s a big life waster.” (from

Ok, that was Jessica's's my input: I was supposed to update this post with my 3 running idols, but life got in the way.  I'll spend some time thinking about it tonight, but right now, my daughter has to go to bed and the computer is off limits.  Sorry!


shutupandrun said...

Wow, I came to your blog to tell you that you won my Popchips giveaway and saw my face!! I am honored to be considered one of your "idols." Thank you so much.

Send me an email and let me know your Congrats!!

Sarah Grecco said...

Congrats on the Pop CHip win! I actually clicked on your link from Shut Up & Run! Love your blog.....oh and Pop Chips....haha

Get UP & Go

Brittany said...

Idols are great to have in any sport or activity! A great motivator to do your best and to achieve things you think you may never be able to achieve.

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Love the feedback and the motivation. Thanks!